Pranic Healing Cairns

FREE Healing Clinic & Meditation

FREE Pranic Healing Clinic is held every Monday night at Pranic Healing Cairns, at 6pm.  The clinic is an opportunity to experience a Pranic Healing session and also an opportunity for our Pranic Healing students to practice.  Donations are gratefully accepted.  Click to Register

As a cornerstone of Pranic Healing, this meditation is truly special. It promotes physical, mental, and spiritual health by opening the heart chakra (the physical heart) and the crown chakra (the spiritual heart), thereby enabling you to draw down a significant amount of divine energy into the crown. The prana (life force energy) that this meditation produces also promotes inner peace and illumination.  Click Clinic to view details.

Pranic Healing Treatments

Pranic Healing is the science and art of natural healing or energy healing.

Video Testimonials

It is a highly evolved and tested form of energy medicine. This “no-touch” healing modality is a comprehensive system of natural healing techniques based on the fundamental principle that “Prana” or life force is all around us and the body has the innate ability to heal itself. Read more HERE.

Pranic Healing Courses

Heal yourself, your friends and your family with Pranic Healing.  Want more energy or do you have a health challenge holding you back from your full potential?  Looking for more peace or maybe your life purpose?  Empower yourself – Learn Pranic Healing now it is simple, practical and very effective. Pranic Healing Courses are now available in Cairns.