Getting Involved ... Staying Involved!

The Pranic Healing community is a global community, spaning over 120 countires around the world!  Local communities have the opportunity to participate in Global Conventions and Retreats, as well as sharing the teachings  at Meditations on Twin Hearts evenings, Healing Clinics and courses.

Our vision is to develop a Pranic Healing community to assist practitioners to learn and hone their skills, both individually and as a group.  One of the benefits of being part of a community is that we can give and receive support energetically and practically.  Group energy is exponentially greater than the individual; giving is important if we are to receive; and in ending suffering.   Master Choa Kok Sui’s vision is to have a Pranic Healer in every family.

Tangible ways to realise the benefits of getting involved and staying involved with Pranic Healing are as follows:

  • Like us on Facebook
  • Immerse yourself in the FREE weekly Pranic Healing Clinic and  Meditation nights
  • Pranic Healing Consultation
  • Pranic Healing Courses
  • Practice Pranic Healing on your family and friends
  • Volunteer to help and practice healings at Pranic Healing events
  • Give generously and within your means.  Pranic Healing gratefully accepts donations to further it’s mission.

Event Schedule

Follow Us

Meditate for Success with
Meditation on Twin Hearts (Online)
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Weekly 6pm:
Tuesday & Friday 4pm:
Questions: Call or message Bruce 0419 686 312

Pranic Healing treatment (by appointment)
Monday to Saturday
BOOK a Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing Courses